Before buying or disposing of anything, from clothes to food to tools, ask yourself some questions:
Think before buying
Ask yourself the following questions.
1. Will this add value to my life? Why do I want this? | If you already have something similar, are buying on a whim, or if this purchase is mostly to lift your mood, resist! Refuse. Don’t buy it. Instead, go on a walk, meet a friend, or spend money on something immaterial such as a cinema entry, ice skating, or a restaurant. |
2. Can I borrow or rent it instead? | You can borrow equipment, appliances, books, from friends, neighbours or even charities or for-profit organisations.
3. Can I buy it second hand? | We can now buy most thing second hand.
4. Can I buy an eco-friendly alternative? | Look for an alternative item that will last longer, has less packaging, and more eco-friendly ingredients. For instance, buy a fountain pen rather than a disposable pen; buy a refillable item; rechargeable batteries (they are more expensive than disposables at the time of the purchase but quickly become cheaper as they can be used again and again); use real crockery and cutlery for your parties instead of disposable ones. |
Think before binning
Ask yourself the following questions:
Can I donate it? | |
Can I repair it, or get it repaired? |
Can it be recycled? | Before throwing anything in the main household trash, check if you can put it in the recycling bag.
Check our list of recycling facilities between the commons. |
If you’ve never visited Smuggler’s Way, it is well worth looking at their website – they take and recycle everything; even agricultural/garden/veg peelings and cooking oils can be disposed of there.
Download the questions and keep them in your wallet:
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